Matt Huber, Managing Group Director of Flagstar Bank’s Healthcare Banking and Finance Group

Matt Huber, Managing Group Director of Flagstar Bank’s Healthcare Banking and Finance Group, shares the significance of using the NIC MAP Vision platform to underwrite senior housing and care loans. The data provided by NIC MAP Vision allows his organization to efficiently assess loan viability. Without NIC MAP Vision, Huber’s staff would spend hours searching for the data that NIC MAP Vision provides instantaneously.

“NIC MAP Vision is an integral part of our underwriting for senior housing and care loans. It’s the only way we get comfortable lending money to a facility in a community that we may not be familiar with,” says Huber. “The level of detail and the community information is just unparalleled. I don’t know where else we would go to get the type of data that we need.”

With NIC MAP Vision, clients like Flagstar Bank can customize the information and the reports they get from the platform based on the criteria they need.

“Time is money,” Huber said. “I’d probably have to spend a lot of money to buy access to different databases and then coalesce the information. I don’t have to do that with NIC MAP Vision. It’s all there.”

NIC MAP Vision tracks more than 35,000 properties nationwide, with rate and occupancy data provided for 140 markets – offering a one-source solution for senior housing stakeholders.